February 02, 2011

Dear M,

salam (:

i blogwalked for hours last night and today. pelik kan, bila hmpir smua blogger mngatakn bhw kita kena rajin update, kita kena tulis entry yg mmbina, kita kena pndi letak intresting keywords supaya blog kita dpt link apa jadah smua,

and i thot, the original purpose for blogging is to express what we feel, meluahkn apa yg kita xdpt mluahkn dgn kata2. or tujuan asal blogging ni cuma aku je yg apply? ha entah lah, tp yg pastinya i DONT blog for readers, followers atau apa2 yg lain, feeds aku xnaik ke apa ke wth who cares!

dear M, sy nk tahu adakah minum petang jadi atau tidak? hari ini br hari rabu, tp rasa macam dh berhari2 since weekends. kalau nak, ckp nak, klu xnk ckp xnk. sy xmenghrap tp dlm diam, ada la sikit2. (: im trying to be honest as you told me to. hopefully, akn ada jwpn by friday. tengs. for the weekends ♥


  1. i agree with u 100%, everyone today nak ada blog for readers, its boring haha

  2. duuh. KAN? haiyaa i still rasa blogging is to express what you can't express dlm conversation.
