February 04, 2011

Apologies and everything that should come with it

salam. (:

sorry ok for the last 2-3 posts (which i've deleted), i knw i mcm emo over the top seminggu cuti. nnt smua ingt i ni gedik gilerrr nk mmpos emo terlebih psl perkara kecik.

hades. dont judge, if you dont know what i'm dealing with.

we had sort things out. and the final decision is on me, so i've decided to let "that" go and pretend nothing has happened during the holiday.

"Maybe I'm just not that ready to let go, to move on."

You deserve much much more than what I'm giving you. You're kind, honest, adorable ♥ but as you said, I'm not thoroughly ready for anything yet. Yep, agreed.

and as i said, there is something for you, tipu la kalau xderr. Ada. xbanyak xsikit maybe sebesar ibu jari kaki (besar la tu) tp, ada okeyh? hopefully, when the right time comes, i still can make up to what i've screwed up. tp, mcm xberharap sgt. THE END IS NEARRRRRRRRRR ( mksdnya i dh nk hbs study, mcm xmungkin nk tebus balik kslhn )

harapan : before april 2012, we will have something on this. WE. (: insyaALLAH.

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