February 05, 2011


salam (:

this is probably my last post before heading back to seri iskndr ): arghhh till may, we'll see again katil, grfield, bantal2 ku. *sob sob*

okey, hari ini keluar carik brg sikit, wpun dgn kurang sehat ape smua, smlm dh terbongkang berehat, hari ni kena la settle kn apa yg ptt. so we went to carrefour.

see, klu korg park dkt basement lvel, you akn jmpa this gerai yg jual everything from kerusi meja, carpet, baju, gelang, AND shawls. :D so evrytime i pergi carrefour, i akn melwt kedai ni. dia ada smua kaler pashmina you can ever imagine. :O rmbng mata, tp memandangkn i ni bukan jenis yg reti nk match2 kaler shawl dgn baju, so i opted for stripes pash yg warna warni so tht boleh hntam macthing. KOT. entah. HAHA and my dad is the one who will be paying for all the shawl. well, it's RM5 for 2, RM10 for 2. berbaloi ape. KAN KAN?

then, msuk carrefour, i beli 3 tshirt, 2 inner cotton yg ada awning (yeay!). xde la kaki shopping, sbb i xdiajar sebegitu ye. i need tshirts sbb i br je dpt kemeja dr auntie i, yg klu pki dia shj, i looks like i'm pregnant :O yep. it's wide, and huge. so i perlukn tshirt yg lawa2 sikit, memandangkn i xbyk tshirt lawa, smua mmg stok baju rumah yg serabai2 HAHA

we ate at JomBali, try la g carrefour satu aras dgn subway, Kenny R dan starbucks. SEDAPP! hehe and the kedai always always put on MR BEAN on it's TV. :D boleh gelak2 smbil mkn. best best.

then, balik, kemas bilik, hadoi gonna miss rumah sgt2 lps ni, bila ntah lg br boleh balik. study week kot, insyaAllah :)

esok, journey back to perak, this time my lil sis is following with all her stuff. she's been accepted to MRSM Kepala Batas, Pulau Pinang, so my parents are sending her, so they thought why not hntr anati skali otw tu? sdgkn original plan was they're going TODAY, instead of tomorrow, and i WAS SUPPOSED to be going back by bus, tp mak kata cian anak dia naik bas, so diorg tuka jadi HARINI. -______- blergh i nak naik bas! heee

i like the way we are ♥ thanks dear you. hehe adoii you're making me smile all over again. (:

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