December 10, 2010



since wednesday evening, unifi somehow having trouble. the whole USJ was affected. so byangkn la, i smlm mcmne. the FIRST and ONLY day (hopefully lah) without the internet. im dead bored. and i almost nak nanges tau x. sbb sumpah bosan gila. idk what to bake anymore cz i make LOADS of cookies the other day.. and my mom isnt home. i wanna scream and i want the UNIFI TO BE FIXED ASAP!!!

well, bcz of all the above, my migrains came and said hello. -______-" forcing me to go to bed early. then after subuh, i decided to sleep back, sbb i knw the internet is not fixed yet )': then at 8 smthing, my sis kejut kata "WEY INTERNET DAH BOLEH!!!!!!!!!!!!" i lompat terus dr katil, grabbed laptop and online. HAHAHAH gila dramatic habes. tp mmg i lompat. my habit bgn dr katil is to jump. weird....

then i terus bukak cafe world. )': my foods habes rosak......... damnnn. then bukak fishville, ikan2 barely hidup...... damnnnnn.

fix fix fix. then br bkk student portal. IT'S RESULT DAY FOR BUDAK UITM.

the portal ckp, result will be sent through email. plus xde link ke result pd portal tu. mcm pelik je. so i bkk la email. dupdapdupdap. wpun dlm hati berhajat nak DL lg, tp harapan la bila teringat jwb BS mcm main2, CTU lg mcm cilaka je i jwb.. so i sgt2 bersyukur bila LULUS semua subjek. YEAY!!! (:

ha amek kau. so skrg boleh stop buat andaian i dpt dekan. knp perlu pk i KENA dekan? duuh. zaman rajin dan excited dah berlalu la. hopefully dpt maintain 3 pointer smpi habes diploma.

tu je harapan. AMINNN!

i made bread pudding, sbb dah tension dgn sindrom-nak-datang-bulan. feels like punching ppl's faces.



  1. weyhhhh pe cer!rindu ko!asal sume org x update blog nih!!
