December 12, 2010

Bosan punya pasal

salam (:

this is what i loike to play when im super duper bored. when there's nothing to do at cafe world or cityville, i resort to this.

skrg dah xleh main game ni directly dkt yahoo! game. kena download. i download trial je everytime i'm at home.

best doh game ni. bg aku one of the best mind-challenging word game yg ada. this wouold be the second, tho. the first is ABSOLUTELY text twist. sumpah challenging gila. 

i love word games. kinda a way to learn english aite? (:

i went to baking class yesterday. it was very nice class. but im not tht excited sbb i am THE only teenager there. bapak segan. wpun mak-mak je yg attend kelas mcmtu, tp minat sgt redha je la. 

auntie winnie is a great baker. she knows her way with baking. i like. (: i learnt few tricks tht i hope i can practise tomorrow or tomorrow tomorrow. LUSA laaaaaa

(: i've decided FIRMLY this time. lepas habis diploma, MAYBE i keja. TAPI i nak belajar dgn serius abt baking and cooking. cooking tu maybe drpd ayah and jiran2. sbb auntie roza dpn rumah is excellent in western food. mek jah depan rumah is excellent in normal cooking HAHAH mksdnya benda2 biasa la.. and she knows how to bake too. so insyaALLAH. 

i betul2 xrasa i nak smbung study. entah lah. i penat la ngadap buku for this long. i knw my dad will force me somehow to further up. but i think if i really wanted to, i gonna take PJJ thingy. bukan full time student la maksudnya. i dah jemu dgn belajar. sumpah. i dont really care abt money whatsoever. i cuma nak rehat and enjoy this new stuff tht im falling for.

i dont know abt venturing into business you know. mcm korg jual cake, cupcakes ape jadah semua tu. im not tht keen to learn all this stuff utk buat duit. i just nak buat. if ada yg nak, then br i bg harga. my aunt says, dont be scared to enter the business world, esp when you know you bring in something diff to the table. tp i bukan takut, sikit la tapi, i cuma nak have fun, and if ada rezeki, i jual sikit2. if ada yg nak. 

i knw some will say she's being ridiculous putting her studies aside to learn abt cooking and baking. wey bukan aku drop studies half way. wpun ada niat, tp i knw at least hbeskn diploma ni, dah boleh survive la hidup kt luar tu. my mom and dad supports me. I DONT CARE ABOUT WHAT OTHERS THINK. klu kau kawan aku, kau support. bukan menjatuhkn lg harapan aku.

sape yg xnak berjaya dlm hidup? tp bila kita tgk dunia skrg, klu semua pun nak kejar benda yg sama, kita akn terlepas pandang benda yg lg penting dr tu. some women obses gila dgn kerja smpi lupa nak kawin. ada women yg kawen dulu, but then because of her later-found-the-best-job-in-the-entire-world, hello divorce. so buat ape kerja half-dead, but then jadi mcm di atas? 

my mom and dad worked really hard when we were young. kitorg hardly jumpa parents. ddk dgn makcik yg smpi skrg aku benci dia. sbb bg aku besides azmer, dia yg corruptkn aku. literally, she's using verbal abusement. so it can shattered a person. then, there's a period where my parents struggling with money, and my idiot makcik yg keluar malam 2-3 pagi br balik and buat screaming show dpn rumaha nd embrassing my dad. I HATE HER, period. then she moved out. 

THEN baru my parents start to change. my dad is always home by 6 to cook. tp masa tu da terlmbt to fix me. im 15 y/o girl who had beem abused in a way tht my parents doesnt even notice it. tp diorg tahu i HATE makcik tu. urgh I HATE HER. setiap kali terigt balik, mesti nak nanges. BODOH. argh. then my mom masuk TM, private company and she stop working on saturday. 

i xnak ank2 i, org lain jaga. my dad might know what his sister had done to us, but it;s his sister you knw, mana boleh ckp pape. sensitif. ARGHHHH mulut mcm cilaka sumpah MACAM BABI. mulut sampah. ikut suka hati dia je nak maki org suka hati. I HATE HER bcz she's the reason my dad fought with my mom's mom, and she KUTUK my mom in front of me. I HATE HER. i xnak.. serik. i xnak kerja klu kawen. i nak take care of my own anak. haram jadah aku nak bg pompuan cilaka mcm dia jaga anak aku. lucky me i x mmpos under her care.

huh. sorry emo sikit. i hate myself for hating her. but i dont care. sbb tu i lngsung xpndng muka dia if balik kg ke ape. i knw my dad dont like it if i do tht, but i cant help it. terigt2 ape yg dia ckp. huh CHETTT.

i nak anak2 i, growing up with a happy childhood. not like us. my mom and dad were not around when we needed them the most. zaman2 excited nak keluar dgn mak ayah. pergi bercuti ape semua. skrg bila2 masing2 dah besar, reaching twenties, baru nak buat semua tu. even if it;s not tht late, still its too late for me. diorg dah almost 50, bertenaga mcmne pun, at the end of the day, diorg yg akn penat lebih2. )': 

i love my parents. ♥

sorry. (': EMO terlebih. tetiba terkeluar topic. so, i tetap nak stop bljr lps diploma and seriously learn cooking and baking. until it is perfect. then mybe smbung bljr @ kerja. whichever.

THX for reading.

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