December 07, 2010


salam. (:

well, post kali ni berkaitan dgn phones.

why? kau da pki iphone lg nk kecoh. not to mention made-in-china-BB. (: yeah i pki fake BB. ok xbangga k.. tp still i like keypad dia.

td, went to summit utk jejalan dgn parents. ayah try tnya kedai abt his iphone. well, his iphone is doomed. xleh nk charge dah. so kena tuka la kan.. then my mom ungkit pasal celcom promotion of BB. yep. my mom got her BB also a promo of celcom. i loveeeeeeee my mom's job. she's got everything half-priced or free. unifi, BB. apa lg.. -_______-"

then, she said my dad should get the BB. but i kata i nak that BB too. then, my mom and dad exchanged "the" look. you know, "the" look yg parents akn buat klu diorg dah agreed on somethings.. or kinda like tht. idk. parents thingy. and my mom said, FIRMLY, no that BB is going to ur dad.

"Bukan kamu nak handphone yg slide2 tu ke? tunggu tu je laaa.."

okey, i confess i nak hanphone slide yg mcm.......

mcm yg di atas. not EXACTLY this model. but design mcmni. i fell for this design when i first saw benji madden of GC using his Sidekick.

u know, sidekick...

yep this is sidekick. americans LOVE this phone. idk why. but i love it too. 

(: so we went home, where i still ngendeng2 my mom abt the BB thingy, but then i terpikir something.

"kau nak BB, tp sejujurnya, phone pun kau jarang pgg. cuma waktu dkt perak je phone tu active. berbaloi ke ada BB mahal tp xguna?"

then, i changed my mind. I'M WAITING FOR MY DREAM PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥♥

i xminat sebenarnya BB, or anything tht looks like it. sbb bg i.. mcm bukan phone. it looks like super-duper mini laptop. paham x? 

but no offense. siapa pki tu, bagus la. (: tp, i pk punya pk, buat ape ikut org sgt. tgk jgk brp kerap phone tu bunyi bila sem habes. mcm sekali sehari pun jarang. rugi je la pki phone smart2 tp x active. kan kan?

(: cant wait till my mom get me the dream phone. i know she's planning someday. ooooh klu i got it for my 20th bday best jgk kan? hehehehhe wish wish wish.

ouh tlg la doakn i dpt eh? my expess music is screaming to be let go. dia dah nak mati dah. my iphone i think i nk pass kt my dad or my sis. (: