November 28, 2010

about cupcakes, cookies and muffin.

salam (:

just finished a batch of cupcakes for sweet tooths in the house.

maybe satu hari nnt i akn buat one or two post about how i make my cuppy, cookies and muffin. maybe. sbb selalu bila i da start buat da bakar br teringt psl nk post dkt blog.

hm i kena ada camera at standby everytime i rasa nak bake something.

i used recipes from the internet. i dont wanna try recipe yg jiran2 da penah buat. i wanna start from scratch. susah payah cari recipe yg simple, x pening and adjusted it according to my taste. i want tht.

then, finally i yahooed googled binged the recipes for my babies, and i make my own recipes. mine was a simpler version of all the recipe i found. senang citer, cara i buat my cuppycakes, my cookies and my muffin is campak je semua masuk mangkuk besar and mix together. sumpah senang gila. (: sbb tu selalu buat.

so bg i, to bake is simple. it's just hard in terms of finding the perfect thing to bake tht suits you. my principle is what i bake is what i am. i make cupcakes, cookies and muffin cz i love perfection. i'll nvr be satisfied unless the cupcakes are as i wanted, the muffins are as fluffy as it should be. paham x?

when this new batch of cupcakes are made, they are my perfection. i get perfectly fluffy cakes.. my frosting is at the right consistency. perfection!!! i think i;m gonna make another batch soon. so i'll post abt how to make it. insyaALLAH.

same goes to muffins and cookies. (:

i dont mean to brag. i just found a way to channel my depression and frustration. i got too many bottled up, its starting to affect me. (':

thx .

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