November 26, 2010

peace, will you?

salam. (:

it hurts that badly i had to let you go. but then, hearing your voice last night, it didn't hurt tht much anymore. maybe i really do losing my feelings towards him. (': its not a bad thing though. i know he hates it when i raised my voice and i told him to shut up. it will always made him mad. he denied he knows what's going on. the lies and all. haih. i know he lied. i wish i know the reasons. sebab kenapa kena buat mcmtu. knp shj. i guess it was the last time i'll gonna hear his voice. (': sorry sorry sorry. he's gonna hate me forever. unforch, the feelings not mutual. i'll never hates him. it's jz not healthy to wait for him. useless and i hope he's happy. happy as he is thts all i ever wanted. (': be happy, awak. thx and sorry.

bila saya dapat tau awk naik klntn jmpa dgn dia, it breaks my heart. sebab? semalam awk pergi jumpa dia. harini awk call saya for your birthday. apa yg awk tgh buat? awk kata xnak bagi hrpn. tp ni bukan bg hrpn ke? sakit sangat bila tgk FB awk dgn dia. she's nice. she's cute. and dia bdk klntn. and saya tau saya dah takleh nak lawan gfren baru awk. oh jap. ni gfren awk yg ke.....? hmph. cuma jgn buat saya tergantung. it makes me wonder. and i hate wondering what's next of us.

dont give me migraines with all the games. i'm tired and sick of the games. kenapa lelaki takkan pernah faham? i wish i speak their language. it's scary to be me now.

i need peace. i guess i need to shut my phones until the holiday is over. yeah i think i'll do that. maybe they will stop harassing me. i wish they would.