November 20, 2010

Day of LASIK :D


idk what to tell you guys abt the procedures. honestly. tak boleh nak describe dgn kata2. well, i'll try k?

first, the day before LASIK. we need to take meds every 2 hours. luckily, its liquid and its for the eyes. so its only the matters of seconds to drop it into the eyes. ubat ni tujuan dia nak kecilkn anak mata kita. we need our pupils to be small so that the laser machine or something can detect it. i think la kan.. heheh

then, the day of the LASIK. bertolak dr rumah at 8 in the morning. went to petrol stations and banks before heading to the PCMC. 8.45 sharp we reached the centre and went straight to LASIK centre. its freaking cold and early. we're like the only one in the hospital. -______-"

then, a nurse, kak amy dtg and check anak mata. mine and daddy was perfectly small but my sis xkecik2 jgk anak mata dia. so the nurse put more of the meds we took the day before and asked us to wait wait and wait.

so we wait. mak amek gmbr and kitorg nmpk selekeh. urghhhhhh

and ni la kak amy. dia sgt cool. dia minx i ajar dia how to wear shawl the way i was wearing it today. so i teached her right after my eyes are much better adapting. (:

then, my dad was called in to get his eyes cleaned and prep for the surgery. ngaa we had to wear the scrubs and the thingy on our head.

my dad doesnt want to stay inside the room so he went out and rest before he start the procedure. then my sis was called. but when the nurse was cleaning her eyes, her pupil still isnt mengecil. urghhh mak ckp, knp lah degil sgt nak kecikkn anak mata tu ntah. hahaha. i was called in after tht. and we both rested inside the room. my pupils are perfectly the right size needed for the procedure. so i will going second after daddy. ngaaa knp lah kakak ku puny bijik mata susah sgt nak dgr arahan? -_____-"

resting and resting and i fell asleep. haha ajaib kan? cuak sbnrnya.. tp penat jgk. so eventually i dozed off abt half hour before waking up at 11 am to find my daddy being wheeled in the surgery room. ngaaa daddyyyy

then the procedures started. mak however, cuma amek gmbr my daddy and my kakak punya procedure. for mine, she only took videos. tgk lah nnt da boleh upload i letak kt sini. ngeh mama ni.. 

so the first thing dr muhaya did was put us under the first machine which functions to mould our eyes for the laser machine. i xbrp phm sgt and masa i ddk bwh machine tu, i cuma rasa cuak and nak nanges to think abt wth the machine was doing. ok ok. we jz need to focus to a green dot in a tube for abt 30 seconds. ooo before tht. dr muhaya bukak mata kitorg luas2. i mean luas2 like she used this tool to push the lids, upper and lower, so tht only eyeball tht shows. yep eyeball guys. sebijik bulat mcm bola golf only smoother la. nmpk la bijik mata kita ni rupanya gedabak. :D

then after she's done with the first machine, as i said im not so sure the function of the first machine. sorry. so we moved on to the second mchine. okay this 2nd machine is the laser machine which is where the real procedure takes place. 

first, dr muhaya will do the flap. flap tu mksdnya she opens up the outer layer of the cornea and it forms a flap. u know, a flap. mcm amek kertas, lipat 2. u got a flap. kan kan? phm la kn.. emm this is for the laser to pnetrate the cornea and do what it suppose to do. correct our eye defect. mind you, the lights under both machines are super duper bright. my eyes are watering and literally crying due to forcing my eyes to focus on tht damn green dots. so on the 2nd machine we also need to focus to the dot. 

then, the laser. haha. the laser is so cool. xrasa pape lngsng cuma bising sikit and bau mcm terbakar. normallah kan. i knw it will smell burnt so i can handle tht. cuma yg seksanya.. bila laser tu da start.. the green dot becomes red and blue sparks. phm x? idk which to focus so my eyes are wriggling. haha. dr muhaya was like "anati.. fokus kt dot. okey goood." it only lasted a second then my eyes are wriggling again. haih. tu kot yg seksa. the laser thingy lasted abt 20-30 seconds and then the same thing repeated on the other eyes.

less than 20 minutes.. its over. and honestly, even my eyes are watery and blurred a lil bit.. i can see clearly like i was wearing my specs. tht is THE best feeling i've ever felt. i felt like crying. at last. 

we had to waer sunglasses at first sbb my seat is facing the window so its so bright. and my eyes are watering like non-stop. after i reached my seat and lay down.. i shut my eyes and it cant be opened and i fell asleep until it was almost 1 o'clock. gmbr ni lps bgn dr tido. my eyes are still shut btw. haha luckily korg xnmpk. (: 

my eyes like glued together at first masa bgn dr tidur. berat sgt nk bkk. mcm xnk bkk pun ada sbb tkt. tkt xnmpk pape. tkt nothing change. mybe it was all dreams. serious itu yg i pikir mula2. but then i forced it to open slowly. and the second it did.. jz a fraction open, tears fell. like i was crying. but i wasnt. it jz the meds and all. jatuh2. basah muka by the time it stopped. when i was adapting to the new eyes,  my dad who already adapted to his new eyes muncul and check anak2 dia. 

btw masa ni, kakak i br nk masuk surgery. she's abt 2 hrs behind us. due to her stubborn pupils. (:

lps dah okey sikit, i waited for my sis to finish her turn and my dad went to see the doctor after my sis finish. then my mom ajak turun g makan and we left my sis to rest since dia br je lg kena. makan2 kt PCMC was hell expensive. pernah dgr nasi goreng kampung smpi RM28.90? kita kt uitm pun, RM4 la paling mahal pun. gila betul. tp makan je lah. lapar.

then we went back up to retrieve my sis and left for home. by the time nak balik tu, mata i dah start to clear up and i can see better. cuma time tu jauh xbrp nk clear lg. skrg dah normal dah. cuma screen lptp ni berbalam lg.. mybe terang sgt. i dah dimmed kan pun still berbalam. xpelah lps ni i nak masuk tidur. need rest. dead tired.

cool x spec i? hahahah. thx daddy for the LASIK, for the spec and for the food. love you so much. okey mulai skrg, anak ayah xkn dmnd mcm2. kena spend less as my dad says. yg priority dah settle. alhamdulillah. (:

cuma the prob skrg ni, follow up pnya appointment. kakak i dh start praktikal this monday the same day whe should be going for the follow up. satu rumah tgh pening kepala mcm mana nak buat excuse dkt supervisor dia since its her 1st day. cnfirm la mcm sticky sikit nak keluar kan. tp since she's wearing a contct lense right now, she need to be at PCMC on monday for the check up. i xkena pki. 

the contact lenses was just acting like a bandage to the cornea. my dad wore it both of his eyes but he took it off already before we went for lunch. my sis ni, since procedure dia start lmbt, by the time the cntct lense need to be taken off, doktor pun dah balik. saturday is half day for PCMC. wahh br i tau hospital pun ada half day.

thts all i guess. 
video insyaALLAH next post.


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