November 19, 2010

LASIK. wth is it?

salam. (:

today, 19 Nov. 2010. my older sis, my dad and me went for eye check up at prince court med cntre. PCMC is one of the newest private med cntre in the heart of KL. it's super duper fab, landscapes are gorg and the price tags triples of what outside the cntre. (:

not a normal eye check up. it's for LASIK. nak tau ape LASIK? jap. copying and pasting.

"LASIK or Lasik (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) is a type of refractive surgery for correcting myopiahyperopia, and astigmatism. LASIK is performed by ophthalmologists using a laser.[1] LASIK is similar to other surgical corrective procedures such as photorefractive keratectomy, PRK, (also called ASA, Advanced Surface Ablation) though it provides benefits such as faster patient recovery. Both LASIK and PRK represent advances over radial keratotomy in the surgical treatment of vision problems, and are thus viable alternatives to wearing corrective eyeglassesor contact lenses for many patients." - source :WIKIPEDIA

in short, a LASIK surgery is where eye defects are corrected with a laser surgery. tht's all. and my mom done it and it took only 15 minutes! impressive huh?

a person aged 18 and above can undergo this surgery. bcz when we reached 18, our "power" hahah ok ok spec's power tu kan.. dah stabil. so klu muda sgt buat, kemungkinan power of our eyes akn increase even after LASIK sbb LASIK does not prevent the power to stop increasing. faham? so it's worth the money. it's around RM9000++ for a person. but the price is lower when you're doing one eye. kami bertiga dpt discount sikit sbb buat 3 org sekali, so it's around RM7000++ per person. sounds a lot. but it's worth it. as my dad says so.

belum tengok cara operate lg? sanggup?


muntah i xtau aaa. sumpah geli. siyes shit. tp mak ckp, bila kita yg kena operate xrasa apepun. ntah la.

my family ain't rich to do this thing. sometimes when things in need, money comes somehow. so bersyukur sgt Dr. Muhaya, our eye surgeon just now ckp, she's willing to lower the price for us since she knew our family and my auntie who first did LASIK with her also. (':

i masuk operation ESOK. ye kwn-kwn, mulai esok, i dah spec-less. dah xkn sentuh spectacles. jz sunglasses from tomorrow on. (:

my eyes are tired from 11 tests we had to go through jz now. sgt penat. esok lg lembik. ): i'm dead tired. hopefully mlm ni terus knocked down, and xpk psl benda2 xsepttnya i pk. but wish me luck for tomorrow.

PCMC is the BEST lasik centre in Malaysia, up to now. the optometrists there are very experinced, and the surgeons are very peramah. (: i loike.

sbb diorg kata i comel harini. :D nagahahahhaha i guess i am. :P

my post is not organized. negh biar lah. oh the vid is scary. skip it. takut korg menangis. i cried when i saw it at PCMC today.

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