May 25, 2011

macam-macam ragam pada 25/5/2011

salam (:

it's the result day.

the first thing i did was to head out and search for breakfast. -.- i dont even think about checking my inbox. oh and i noticed tht everybody is struggling with student portal.

since i've been almost two years with uitm, i know not to even enter student portal during result week. it's jammed-packed. and since last semester, they had sent out results through email. so, tak payah bengang bengang kat wall FB, bukak la inbox email.

simple. no hassle. no pening-pening. no nanges-nanges.

i went out, bought Gardenia, and chocolates ( i'm not feeling well, this is my meds ). went home and made breakfast, hung clothes, went up and online with Castle and french toast.

oh, congrats to everyone yang lepas ke praktikal. i think one or two of my classmates didn't make it. ): shucks. i'm sorry guys, but see i'm not tht suprised. when you guys said we're not cool anymore, or we never chillex anymore, there's a reason. and that reason is, we want to proceed to practical. because we know, the subjects aren't tht hard, actually quite simple and easier than previous sems, so there must be a trick somewhere tht can make us fail the sem. and, it's the FINALS. damn the finals.

so, congrats, and kepada yang tak lepas, keep on fighting! lepas ni jangan main-main dah, oke? we tried to shake some sense in yah, but semua pun dah besar kan? everbody has their own rights. so, yeah.

i passed. yeay. and no, saya tak dapat dekan. why should i? i played a lot, to be honest. LULUS pun dah cukup, to think tht everyday i've been thinking perhaps i'll repeat the sem. (:

so, guys, see you this november yah? (:

ingat, jangan lupa bukak i-learn every week, in case ada update. and print practical outline, and jangan lupa isi logbook,

rindu QS4B. love y'all. (: good luck!

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