April 14, 2011

salam (:

it's thurday morning, peeps. with measurement test at 11. and did i even open a note? *dem

)': malas gila kot nak usaha study, sedangkn final is in a week. yo i'm dead this time.

sibuk sibuk, esok at last tayangan perdana video PP, with ETR presentation on 18th, which two days before Paper 1 of Measurement.

yeah, cool! -.-"

it's beenn two weeks, aite? as i said before. but i saw him, at last, yesterday. a flash, cuz he's running. -.-
i don't feel a thing.

i don't know what had happened with us. i don't know which is the truth which is fake. tak nampak perbezaan. please, if you're reading this, saya cuma nak tahu apa yang dah terjadi sebenarnya. you know, i've faced rejections, with "S" of course. but not this kind. so, kalau awak masih berbudi bahasa, tolong suluhkan kebenaran *WTF??* kepada saya. i need it badly. tengs.

oh and saya tak paham kenapa, awak re-add, then you remove me. what, balas dendam? chett CHILDISH!

1 comment:

  1. hi there,thanks for follow my #awekchucktaylor - feel free to comment and add my facebook - Nama Nami..cheers!
