March 31, 2011


it's thurday peeps :D soon, it's weekend spend at home, seeing my mom, dad and sis again! yeay! can't wait to get out from this place. it's suffocating.

btw, i'm still struggling finishing up CONSTECH REPORT, while trying to digest how to calculate STEEL STRUCTURE

macamna nk jumpa final ni dowww

yeah, i'm still paranoid. am still scared to walk around the campus alone. am scared to bump into him. am scared, to death.

kenapa macam ni? dia x berhak untuk aku  teringat ingat or even THINK about him. JERK! ah sedih, bila teringat,

i've been thinking, he's a jerk alright. perhaps he wanted a perfect girl, or just a girl that for him is perfect. he put down others who wore pashmina like hana tajima, or wearing thin shawl. F gila la, aku pakai pashmina kot masa tu, FINEKALAUTAKSUKACAKAPAHDEPANDEPANNINAKBERKIASKIASBAPAKTERASADO.

haih. the other day, i was looking back at our YM's and texts. and smiled secretly to all those flirty texts we sent. aww those days. 

i miss him, )': yes i do. but i do also realized he's not worth my wait. he's one of the serial player that unfortunately i fell for. MENCI AH MACAM NEYYYYY DIEW PATAHKAN HATI ITEWWW ATOIII


jap, FUCK! :)

oh great. my hand is itching to text him. luckily, my brain kinda wizen up since azmer. :) baguslah kan?

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