March 25, 2011


this is not me. i'm like a zombie these past few weeks. doing things, saying things i hardly know what it means. what the hell is wrong with me?

he gave me this effect. he made me wondering. he made me thinking. ahh i hate this feelings.

true, it has been a year since i really fall for a guy, HARD. but, it is such a waste. the guy i fell for doesn't even care about me.

oh yeah, you can make me fall for you, and i do. then, you pretend that nothing is happening. oh there is nothing happening, but what about then?

yeah, i do say so how i feel about you. yeah, i put on brave face, brave voice to say that i like you.

then, i still have to put on my bravest face, my bravest smile when i see you again.

it hurts.

ah i hate the feelings.

i'm sick. my flu isn't getting better. my period already two moths late. fever come and go. yeah you're the reason. did you know that?

my body is adapting to your actions. and it's killing me slowly.

i hate myself. i can't stop eating, but i can't cry. i wanna cry. it hurts too much inside.

oh yeah, you're one hot dude. but that doesn't give you any rights to step on some random girl's heart.

yeah, i'm fat, i'm not as pretty as the girls you're friends with. but i'm human, dude. HUMAN.

just like you.

oh hell, i'm letting you go. i hate you. i hate the feelings that you caused me.

i wanna go home. i dont wanna be here!

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