February 26, 2011


as salam (:

it's been a helluva week. tests, presentations. argh! if you think that's all there are, WAIT FOR IT!

weekend ni full dgn QS Tenpin Boling dan mengejar stiker untuk FESKO. adoiii susah kan nk pilih. satu tanggungjawab diamanahkan, another one peluang berebut untuk dpt kolej for the last sem. -______-

sibuk sibuk. alhamdulillah la dapat bz kan diri dgn tasks dan tanggungjawab. takde la rasa nak nanges kalau terpikir pasal dia. (':

alhamdulillah jugak, hati ini sempat berhenti sebelum betul2 menyayangi. kalau dah sayang, i can't get him off of my mind sampai bila2.

ahhh i need MORE distractions. i'm preparing myself for 7 more weeks of heartbreak torture.

GOD HELP ME! - cepat2 la sem ni habes. xsanggup wohhh xsanggup. )':

when you look away, do you realize that i'm looking at you?
hoping you'll look at me, and smile your sweetest smile
do you know how much i want to hear you laugh again
do you know how much i want to walk by you side
do you know how much THIS is hurting me?

if i could see your smile once again,
to hear you laugh once again,
to walk with you one last time,
i'll be happy if THIS is what we meant to be.


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