February 15, 2011

tak puas hati lagi ni derrr


//ps: AS-SALAM is the most suitable shortform of Assalamualaikum. sebarkn. sbb SALAM semata-mata bermaksud kecelakaan smthing2. i xigt mana i baca, but this is true. AS-SALAM is the appropriate shortform. thank you.

aku still konpius kenapa sesetengah blogger masih berpegang kpd pggn bhw blog ada utk:
1) DUIT ( nuffnag, churp churp apa jadah lg ntah )
2) followers beribu-ribu which equals tu chachingggg $$$$
3) feed, traffic yg boleh terbeliak bijik mata


perlu ke? perlu ke? annouced kt satu dunia, YEAY followers i dah 10,000! yippeee! ♥♥
mcm.. tettttt. aku xjeles la bai. aku kesa pulak. mcm kita sanggup publicized life kita semata-mata utk followers beribu. lepas tu, bila gmbr kena hacked, org stalked, mengamuk xigt dunia. per cerrr ni braderr

buat apa nak jeles. nk citer dgn smua org, complete details of yourself eventho half of your readers kenal kau pun idak.

entah lah, aku still rasa blog ni dh di abused function asal dia. aku xpuas hati la derrr
sungguh tak puas hati.

"mood" saya akan mengacau mood saya every single day. malam tadi "mood" buat saya happy. hari ni "mood" buat saya moody. baik "mood". sometimes, i can feel that there's not only me, kan? )': awak comel semalam. LIKE LIKE ♥ u said it is too early to start rindu, but i already do ♥

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