December 22, 2010

why i hate this time of the year

salam (:

knp benci? bkn benci, lebih kpd menyampah habis dgn hujung tahun + awl thn

time time mcmni la, smua kngn yg xnk diingtkn masuk dlm kpla. smpi termimpi mimpi i. haish. i bukan xnk igt, kdg2 masa bukan hujung tahun pun i teringt ingt psl ni. tp bila hujung tahun, rasa tu lg kuat. kdg2 i jz termenung, teringt, then mesti nk nanges.

kejam kan kenangan? )':

26th ni, cukup cukupp 2 tahun kitorg kenal. (: nama dia faizul tp i lg suka pggl dia D. sbb masa i knal dgn dia, he used tht letter as his name. wpun dia suruh i pnggl dia faizul skrg, tp dlm phne nama dia ttp D. sbb i nak igt dia as the guy yg i kenal 2 yrs ago. (:

we had changed. a lot. in sense of relationshp and personality. he changed like a lot. masa mula mula kenal dulu, he hardly talk. i mean, kitorg spent most of the time YM, msg, tp bila otp dia xbckp. he's a secretive person. tp skrg, i selalu terpk bila ntah dia nak diam. tok tek tok tek mulut dia. he cracked jokes like all the times. kdg2 i pulak yg jd pendiam. suka dgr dia berceloteh.

tp, )': kitorg dah xmcm dulu. wpun kitorg selalunya on off on off, tp skrg mmg dah off like forever forever. he's got someone now, happy 4th btw. )': kdg2 dia still call, msg nk tnya khbr. he gave me most of the brilliant advices sometimes. sbb dia lelaki, and it's worth it to hear what a guy thinks abt something, KAN?

cuma, kdg2 i rasa bersalah bila dia call ir msg. kdg2 dia ni suka nak over the manja smpi i pun rimas. especially bila dia dh ada gfren. haish. nak tegur tkt terasa. macam mana?

it hurts to think tht 2 years ago we were happy together. eventho he's not the perfect boyf, but dia paham i in a way tht i want a guy to understand me. waaa sedih. sbb i knw at last, im losing him. mmg dah lama hilang dia utk jd boyf, but mostly i lost a good friend. okeyy nanges jom.

berbanding dgn rasa menyampah dgn hujung tahun, i LAGI MENYAMPAH dgn awal tahun. oh jap, i menyampah dgn the whole month of january.

31st January. I HATE THIS DATE. i met him on this date, abt two weeks after tht, we're a couple. and 3 months after tht, he cheated, dumped me. a year later, he played me, by using his friends, almost 2 years, his still doing it.

BAIKLAH. klu sesiapa yg baca blog ni, mesti penah baca pasal dia. klu u guys xpenah baca, xpyh nak bkk archive sbb i dah delete pon.

a statement tht i will nvr ever changed. he's the best thing tht had ever happen to me, and if i get another chance, i'll do it all over again, and this time, do it right.

entah lah. sesungguhnya, it still hurts bila teringtkn kenangan together gether. entah lah. i sgt sgt super duper ter lebih lebih JEALOUS bila tgk korg ada boyf   )': i was once like you guys.

kdg2 klu korg nmpk i termenung then tetiba je mcm sedih, means i terigkn dia. okey? so time time mcmtu just leave me alone. i cuma kena settlekn benda ni alone. i xboleh ada org lain nk tepuk2 blkg peluk2.  mmg xkn boleh okey.

kdg2 out of blue, dial number dia. sometimes if i'm lucky, dia x angkt, if unlucky, dia angkt. paling benci bila dia angkt, sbb first, krdt i jalan, second suara dia nak gedik2 manja. mesti rasa nak nanges. bila dia xangkt, cukup cukup puas dpt dgr caller ringtone dia. at least tau dia hidup. PELIK KAN? DAH MCM STALKER.

i dah xrasa sakit bila terigtkn apa yg dia dh buat. cuma kdg2 i sunyi. bosan bila xde sape nk gedik gedik manja manja mlm mlm buta mcm dulu. tu je. )':

okey sbnrnya i pun x tau ape motif post ni. redha je lah. i need to get this out. klu x lg lama i termenung mcm org bodoh. kan kan.

erk okey byeeeee

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