December 28, 2010

Mamak and asap rokok

salam (:

today, D-Day. we met up at the first ever place we met, Kg Subang. he drove to Plaza Alam Sentral, bcz im starving, and nk muntah.

lepak kat mamak dpn tu, xmasuk pun PAS tu. eksyen je lebih HAHAH.

lepak, minum2. and then, the stories, questions, truths. semua kitorg spill. honestly, i xrasa ape pun bila dia bgtau bnda yg sbnrnya, sbb i mmg nk tau sgt2, i've prepared myself to hear the worst of it. (: i asked all i want to ask since we're broken up, and it's all answered.

xkesa la dia prgi mcm setan ke ape ke, tp td, he's fun to be with. jgn risau, xrasa dupdapdupdap mcm biasa. im SO over him. skrg mmg member member je. dia sng kluar dgn i, i pun sng kluar dgn dia. da xde slh phm, da xde tipu tipu (hopefully lah) he's happy, i'm super happy

DONE. btw, i xigt ape i ckp, tp dia ckp "ni mcm nk together balik je bunyik" smpi skrg i xdpt nk igt ape yg i dah ckp smpi dia ckp mcmtu -_____________________-

byk kali jgk i mrh dia, tnya betul2, he looked right in my eyes and spill. i guess it's the truth (:

ahhh leganya bila mslh dh settle. boleh relax and enjoy life. rupanya xde la pyh sgt nk tnya dpn2 kbnrn kn? 

//trimas awk. hari yg best. awk best. and jgn drve mcm org mabuk lg. nak muntah. till next time. (:

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