December 31, 2010

End of another year, and Hello 2011 (:

salam (:

today is the last day of the year. i'll fill it with appointment, last minute shopping, and major packing!

im doing my last of post of the year, boleh percaya x? macam baru je lg 2009 -_____-

sedang semua sibuk sibuk huu haa huu haa jerit happy new year, i sibuk bungkus baju dlm kain )': knplah perlu balik ke sana?

i love being home, tp kdg2 rasa suffocated tau x? rasa terkurung. bosaaaan.

i xde new year's revolution ke hape ke.. sbb last year punyer pun x tercapai -______-

i'm looking forward to a new, bright, happy, cheerful year. hopefully (: AMIN!

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