May 08, 2011

tuesday :D


this tuesday, hehe guess? got a date with galah ;) rindurindurindu

btw, since dh lama xjumpa, am wondering dia makin memanjang kah? -.- it's annoying to walk besides him, he's like a head taller than me, im not used to walk beside a guy tht gazillion higher than me -.-
erk, nk pki bju ape eh? HEHE

dia comel la -.-" xde motifff

hee rindu nak borak, byk benda nk cerita, byk benda nk tnya,

btw, we went through tht awkward moment you know, where we thought there's possiblity of getting back together,
shesh (': i wish,

mana nak campak inche faizulafiff?!!

i miss him tho, faizulafiff, BUKAN galah. we talked two days ago, )': geez sappy me. macam x biasa. he's going through rough times right now, how i wish i was there with him, mak is going to JB another week or so, igtkn boleh tumpang sekaki, but mak xbg )': jom nanges, i wanna see him, xnak dia suffer sorg2, but he wont ever let me masuk campur masalah dia, even seberat mana pun )': cmne nak kawen ni sayang oiiii

 boo, takecareiloveyousangatsangat ♥ 
mwahh hug kuat! :* 

//ps: eventho we nvr met each other, it's been three years, was it worth it? HELL YEAH (': 

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