May 07, 2011



hari ni pusing midvalley.

and guess what? dad and mom bought themselves... COUPLE WATCHES! -________-"

her and his
i cant believe this. when my dad cakap nak jam baru, i thought dia beli utk dia je la.. then found this watches, sitting side by side dlm display, dia terus "awwwww tgk tu, ada couple dia la, and it's green!"

yep, and he bought them. it's pretty tho, the wristband yg putih2 tu, made out of ceramic. lawa lawa. -__-
and now my parents are wearing matching watches, OH PLEASE DONT LET THEM START ON WEATING MATCHING CLOTHES!!!

*nak romantik romantik pun dpn anak diorg yg tgh frust bercinta -.-*

we ate at food garden, the garden. first time. quite nice. but the price is wallahhh!

singgah kt pantai dalam beli ayam golek :D

okbye nak g melapah ayam golek!

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